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Quantum Optics
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Quantum Technology
- Our quantum internet breakthrough could help make hacking a thing of the pastby Siddarth Koduru Joshi, Research Fellow in Quantum Communication, University of Bristol on 2020-09-02 at 9:09 pm
New research shows how the next generation of ultra-secure communication could be possible with […]
- Folding 2D materials gives them new properties useful for Adelina Ilie, Reader, Department of Physics, University of Bath on 2021-05-24 at 3:49 pm
Quantum communication has the potential to provide truly secure global communications.
- China’s quantum satellite enables first totally secure long-range messagesby Harun Šiljak, Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Complex Systems Science for Telecommunications, Trinity College Dublin on 2020-06-16 at 9:32 am
The Micius satellite has enabled messages with unbreakable encryption to be sent 1,200km.
- China’s quantum satellite could make data breaches a thing of the pastby Robert Young, Reader of Quantum Information, Lancaster University on 2016-10-12 at 10:01 am
The Micius satellite will encrypt data using fundamental laws of physics rather than crackable […]
- Better AI, unhackable communication, spotting submarines: the quantum tech Stuart Rollo, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Sydney on 2022-03-28 at 7:14 pm
China and the US are racing for quantum technology breakthroughs in weapons, communications, […]
- Australian quantum technology could become a $4 billion industry and Cathy Foley, Chief Scientist, CSIRO on 2020-05-21 at 8:00 pm
A quantum technology boom is coming, and Australia must act to avoid missing out. A new CSIRO […]
- Spatial mode conversion of single photons at the C-band using in fiber long-period gratings
- Neighboring and polarization effects on line shape of the modulation transfer spectroscopy in lower ground hyperfine state of Rb atoms
- Intensity-difference squeezing from four-wave mixing in hot 85Rb and 87Rb atoms in single diode laser pumping system
- Boosted quantum teleportation
- Chip-integrated quantum signature network over 200 km
- Integrated optical entangled quantum vortex emitters
- Multiplexed entanglement of multi-emitter quantum network nodes
- Fast adaptive optics for high-dimensional quantum communications in turbulent channels
- Generation of three-dimensional cluster entangled state
- Direct observation of the topological pruning in silica glass network; the key for realizing extreme transparency
- Beyond the Gross Factor: The Healing Powers of Parasitic Worms
- Solving the Puzzle of X-Ray Radiation From Black Holes
- Alzheimer’s Drug May Slow Progression of Lewy Body Dementia
- Countdown To Escape: NASA and Boeing To Decide Starliner’s Fate
- Massive Hailstone Collection Unlocks Secrets of Storm Behavior
- This COVID Mutation Could Explain Your Brain Fog
- Rethinking the “Doomsday Glacier”: Scientists Challenge Alarming Antarctic Ice Collapse Predictions
- August 2024 Supermoon Rises Over “Rocket City”
- Nature’s Hidden Highway: Over 17 Million Insects Migrate Through a Single Mountain Pass Each Year
- Rewriting History: Ice Age Hunters Used Planted Pikes, Not Throwing Spears, To Bring Down Mammoths